Zombie-chu's Plants vs. Zombies

Plants vs. Zombies, a tower defense game developed by Pop Cap EA (Electronic Arts Inc.), was released in 2009, and has a rating of 4/5. It won more then 30 game of the year awards. If you have heard of a cherry bombing a zombie, then you might be familiar with Plants vs. Zombies. You will be armed with 49 different types of plants, from the classic Pea Shooter, to the powerful Winter Melon. Once you get the hang of it, you will find more obstacles on your lawn such as: fog, pool, and night. Once you finish adventure mode, you will fight the boss battle. Dr. Zomboss will be waiting of you there in a giant  robot (zombot). Besides throwing down zombies it can also throw trucks that can destroy six plants. When it bends down, it will either breath a fire ball or an ice ball, but don't worry--you can use Ice Shroom or Jalapeño to counter it, but there might be more updates coming soon.


Plants vs. Zombies 2: Its About Time was released in 2013, and it gained a new special item: plant food, an item that temporarily boosts a plant's power. But there is a down side: it will not boost explosive plants like these.

Cherry Bomb


Grape Shot


Plants vs. zombies 2 has many different wolds such as:

Ancient Egypt, Pirate Seas, Wild West, Far Future, Dark Ages, Frostbite Caves, Jurassic Marsh, Big Wave Beach, Lost City, Sky City, Neon Mixtape Tour, Kung Fu World.


Plants vs. zombies Heroes, released in 2016, and has a 4.7/5 rating. a little different then the other PVZ games, something awesome, HEROES ! some plants were hit by genetic modifying lasers, and so were zombies, they turned these plants/zombies into Heroes!


Pea shooter--------Green Shadow, 

Sun Flower----------Soler Flare

Wall Nut------------Wall Knight

Potato Mine-------Spudow


Bonk Choy------------Grass Knuckles

Fume Shroom--------Night Cap



Torch Wood--------- Captain Combustible

Intensive Carrot---- Beta Carrotina


Modern Zombie------Super Brainz

Gargantuar-----------The Smash


Cone Head----------Rust Bolt

Disco Zombie------- Electric Boogaloo                            

Yeti Zombie---------Brian Freeze

Bucket Head--------Z-Mech

Witch Zombie------Immorticia

Science Zombie----Professor Brainstorm

Mermaid Imp-------Neptuna

Toxic Waste Imp----Huge Giganticus





  1. this is really cool. By the way, who is on the left side of Rose?


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